Bobbi Baugh Studio

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A walk through the studio

Sunday morning. Cool and calm.

I have read some poetry. (Mary Oliver today.) Enoyed my first coffee.

How about a stroll into the studio to see what’s going on?

(I walked through once, on my way to the driveway for the paper. A few things caught my eye. Now I’ll look a bit more intentionally.)

Out through the door. This is the scenic laundry room I pass through from our living room to the studio.

There on the worktable.

Some stencils I cut yesterday, and one I have drawn but not cut yet. I am interested in how those shapes will go together, and overprint. Future discoveries.

There on my easel is a piece I just completed. Time for you to go up on the storage rack. It’s been a pleasure visiting with you, my old friend.

There on my sewing table one of the framed collages I created lately

I made a few of these and introduced them on my website. I did not sell as many as I had hoped. (Shoot!) But I like these a lot and it is pleasing for me to look at them.

Here are the very beginnings of some paper collages. I love these neutral color monotype backgrounds. (Collaging onto 140#watercolor paper, taped to a board while working.) From this point, anything can happen!

And, there outside my studio door, an inquisitive squirrel in the birdbath.

(You’ll just have to trust me on this one. He was there just before I shot the picture and I scared him away. I am confident he and a number of his bird friends will be back for a number of visits today to entertain me.)

And here am I. In  this place, open to what the day will bring.

. . . . . . . . . .

In case I’ve piqued your interest, you can learn more on my website about:

The new collages in black box frames COLLAGES

The quilt from my easel, “Neither Up Nor Down”

I am counting down days and preparing for the Art Studio Tour here in the DeLand area. It’s March 4-5. I hope some readers will be able to attend.

Find the map and information on all the artists at

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading.
I always enjoy questions and comments.


How I keep in touch:

BLOG POSTS  - once a week:  Mostly about what I am creating in the studio. If you would enjoy receiving blog posts by e-mail, please subscribe here:  I post and send by e-mail each Sunday evening. BLOGS-BY-EMAIL

NEWSLETTER – about once a month: Mostly news of exhibits and my way of introducing new work. You’ll get FIRST LOOKS at new artwork and members-only discounts. You’ll hear from me about once a month.  NEWSLETTER