Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Meanwhile, outside the studio

I got out into the real world for a couple of art-related events this week. It helps me to see artwork from a perspective that’s different from my usual view as hands-in-the-process maker.

 SOME POETRY FUN: My hometown museum, Museum of Art Deland, is sponsoring the “Poetic Visions” project.

Earlier this spring, those who participated as writers picked one of the artworks provided from the Museum’s permanent collection to be the subject of a poem. I did this, submitting several poems. The judges picked the ones they wanted to be in the exhibit. Now, in the Museum’s main gallery is a show of the poetry-inspiring artworks with the poems that were written displayed next to them.

Now for the audience-participation part! Visitors to the Museum gallery can vote for their favorite poem when they are there seeing the works.

BUT WAIT… THERE’S MORE! The Museum created videos of the poets reading their work, standing in the gallery next to the art that inspired them. I did this also, and it was fun.

And now you can see them on YouTube. I invite you to take a look. Each video is just 2 or 3 minutes, and there is an interesting variety.

And you get to vote! To vote for any poet, Click the Thumbs-Up “Like” icon below the video. If you enjoy my work, I will be grateful for a vote.

See the poetry videos here:

2023 Poetic Visions Video Contest Youtube Playlist:  

To vote for a poetry reading:Like the video by clicking the thumbs up icon 


This week I also had a non-poetic but enjoyable chance to talk about my artwork. I presented a program to the DeLand Breakfast Rotary club about the work that will be exhibiting in the Echo Gallery of the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach.

The work I’m exhibiting, “Is Like a Day Without Sunshine,” was inspired by a historical building near DeLand. It was an orange packing plant where a family-owned business operated for almost 100 years.

Talking about artwork to groups not composed of artists, or even dedicated art lovers, can be challenging. (I am a member of this Rotary Club, and the friendly home turf certainly helped.) But I also felt like the familiar subject matter opened a door for listeners to want to know more. Who knew I’d actually get questions about how wheat paste resist works?

Here's the work I will be exhibiting

And, for those in the Central Florida area, please accept this invitation to attend the opening reception. (I thought it was very nice that my work was featured on the invitation.)

Meanwhile, inside the studio, I have large projects in the works, as well as sketches for lots of new things. All of the experiences of an artist… the time in the studio, the time out and about outside the studio… the time doing research and planning... the time spent on the porch with coffee and a book… They will all contribute to the wholeness of what comes next.

Art life is good!

. . . .

Composition Class coming soon: In June I am teaching a zoom class in “composition.”  It is being sponsored by a region of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) but is open for attendance by both SAQA members and SAQA non-members.

I like this class. I’ve worked on it to focus on helping participants think about the necessary step that comes between the idea and the working methods. If this interests you, I hope you’ll join us.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can register and pay here:


 . . . . .
For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating 

Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


How I keep in touch:

BLOG POSTS  - once a week:  Mostly about what I am creating in the studio. If you would enjoy receiving blog posts by e-mail, please subscribe here:  I post and send by e-mail each Sunday evening. BLOGS-BY-EMAIL

NEWSLETTER – about once a month: Mostly news of exhibits and my way of introducing new work. You’ll get FIRST LOOKS at new artwork and members-only discounts. You’ll hear from me about once a month.  NEWSLETTER