Bobbi Baugh Studio

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In the Forest

This week I picked up two canvas textile collaged works that have been exhibiting in DeLand City Hall. Good things must end; it’s the conclusion of the exhibit.

So, as I unloaded these two works, before I put them on the shelf I took a look at them, seeing what I could see and learn from them.

Well, look at that. Trees.
Some of my favorite things!

This one, “Remembering the Way,” has trees printed two ways.

The background sky is filled with subtle, loosely printed tree patterns. I let the background show through lighter. These feel distant.

The foreground trees are screen printed. A medium tone. Then deeper color. More opacity

This one, “A Different Light Remembered,” has screen printed trees against a background of un-patterned color. I overlapped the screen to create a sense of pattern.

On my way to the shelves I passed several projects also filled with trees:  works-in-progress in the studio now. This is going to be a large 3-panel quilt with the pattern of trees extending across all three panels. It is intentionally somber in palette and tone, addressing serious subject matter.

I love the way the patterns overlap organically and with a loose rendering. It creates the sense of a forest, but not a depiction of a particular tree.

Here’s a close-up view. The stitching is an all-over pattern of parallel lines. I chose this to emphasize the stillness of the scene. I did not want exuberant stitches.

In the same work, I will have a panel about 20” x 30” with a photo transfer of a tree which shows the incredible intricacy of twig and branch patterns. On this portion, I will be doing the stitching to enhance that complexity.

When it all goes together, there will be sections where the two different  renderings will overlap each other, I look forward to the complexity and challenge of that.

So my time-to-look in the studio resulted in a few takeaways.

Different printing methods can make the same subject matter completely different in emotional tone
Hard-edged, detailed renderings can complement looser image-making in the same piece.
There is creative joy in working with images that speak to you.

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If you would like more information about “Remembering the Way” and “A Different Light Remembered,” you can find them on my website HERE.

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Just a reminder: In June I am teaching a zoom class on “composition.” It is being sponsored by a region of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) but is open for attendance by both SAQA members and SAQA non-members. Let me know if you have any questions. You can sign up and pay here:


For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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