Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Presentation is . . .


“Presentation is everything” is a bit of life wisdom that’s been part of my thinking since my daughter, also an artist, was in high school and had a very wise art teacher who repeated this mantra to her students. Presentation is everything.

It’s not so much about being fancy. Sometimes, in fact, fancy isn’t called for.

It’s about being intentional in showing your work to others.

In presenting your work to others, the motivation should be the same as when you put out hand towels and straighten up a bit for guests. It’s not likely that you will actually impress anybody by doing this. But you will communicate pride in your home and pleasure that they visited. You will be creating a tangible sign of welcome and respect to your guests. It’s part of the communication between you.

At this weekend’s studio tour, I worked to create a welcoming scene outdoors as people came to the door.

Inside, I had a mix of completed work, work-in-progress, new work, large pieces and small pieces.

I discovered again that being open and welcoming to people’s questions is an important part of presentation. People ask questions because they want to learn about artwork. I had samples of my materials on my worktable so that I could answer questions as guests arrived.

I had artwork titles and prices easily visible. Visitors could get the information they needed without having to ask or feel embarrassed.

Humor can also be part of making people feel welcome.

And, of course, snacks. (As you can see, definitely not fancy. But everybody likes chocolate!)

As an artist, I am honored that visitors would want to come see how I work. I was happy to present it to them.

THANK YOU to the visitors. And thank you to the patrons who purchased work this weekend. I am grateful.

Long weekend.


For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating 

Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


How I keep in touch:

BLOG POSTS  - once a week:  Mostly about what I am creating in the studio. If you would enjoy receiving blog posts by e-mail, please subscribe here:  I post and send by e-mail each Sunday evening. BLOGS-BY-EMAIL

NEWSLETTER – about once a month: Mostly news of exhibits and my way of introducing new work. You’ll get FIRST LOOKS at new artwork and members-only discounts. You’ll hear from me about once a month.  NEWSLETTER