Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Working out ideas (over and over!)

When I’m stuck in the “I’m-not-there-yet” place in an art project – as I am now – after spending a fair amount of time feeling dissatisfied with myself and the world in general; it helps me to remember the basics.

Oh yeah. Sketching. And working out ideas on paper. What a good idea!

I have created a series of small silkscreens that form a large tree. I like this tree. And I have a size that particularly interest me for a while – a vertical wall hanging about 24” x 40.” And I sense that there is a nice series here, waiting to be developed. But I’m not there yet.

Must be time to pull out the sketchbooks. I keep sketchbooks full of ideas. And, it’s mostly ideas that I record.

Quick thumbnail sketches that encapsulate an idea is what I’m I’m going for. No concern yet with technique, or even color. (I do better considering color separately, after the idea is further along.)

For this current tree series, I’m using good ol’ paper cut and paste to put together composition ideas, for several reasons:

First, I am working towards a specific size. So, printing out rectangles in that proportion will keep me thinking in the space that I will actually have to work with.

Second, the tree image I have is very detailed, and the actual image has a certain “feel” to it. If I just suggested quickie tree-like lines in my thumbnails, they would not convey the same feel that the printed tree will have.

Once I’ve cut out the tree and placed it into the rectangle in different ways, I can do quick ballpoint pen sketching on top of that to work out what other elements I’ll be using. (Mostly framing elements and positive-negative variations.)

In just a short time of experimenting , my mind is in gear. I can now see where this series can go.

I’ll look at my various mockups and envision them in different colors. (A next sketching assignment may be just creating various color combinations with oil pastels or crayons.)

So. I’m still not there yet. But I am out of being stuck and excited to jump into the next stages. Stay tuned!

. . . . .

The SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) annual auction is coming SOON! I hope you will participate.

Each year members of SAQA create 12” x 12” works that are donated to SAQA. They are all available to see online, and all the bidding is online. They are grouped in flights, offered over several days, with prices highest on day one and decreasing each day. It’s fun to spend time checking them out in advance and then tracking your favorites.

Here’s where you go to see the works, participate and to find instructions:

And here is the quilt I created for the auction. I’d be honored to have it purchased to support. SAQA. Happy shopping!

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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