Bobbi Baugh Studio

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In the Studio… Is it Working?

Two projects-in the-works have been the focus of my posts for a while.

I’ve been working on a large quilt featuring a wind-filled sky. And I’ve been working on a 3-panel quilt seascape: fish below and birds in the air.

Both of these projects have required a lot of attention to the surface and the patterns. Close-up work. Details.

Now I’m at a point where I need to step across the studio and take a look at the big picture to see if the parts are working together as I’d hoped. (Studio wisdom: sometimes you have to look closeup. Sometimes you have to step back.)

Here’s the windy sky project, almost completed.

I thought it was about done (except for binding and finishing) a week ago. But I looked at it again, with the help of some good critiques from my local artmaking group. (Life wisdom: It REALLY helps to have other people help you see your own work through fresh eyes.)

Without intending it to happen, the strong diagonal horizon line was drawing the viewer’s eye away from the tree and the roots. Not what I wanted. So, I have worked on the underground section. There’s more dynamic interest there now. And I broke up that strong horizon line with small shape interruptions. I’m pleased with the changes.

I’m going to let that one cook on the back burner for a little bit before I bind it. Just to be sure I don’t see something new I missed.

Today I did some work on the fish-and-birds project. Here I’ve got it up on my easel.

I’ve done all the stitching in the sky portions. I think it has a nice flow and some energy. Now it’s time to plan the flying birds.

I combined several reference photos of real flying pelicans. Then I put them in Photoshop Elements placed to scale on pictures I took of the quilt panels. This gave me an idea of scale and position.

I printed them on 8.5 x 11 sheets. Then I drew the birds freehand on manila folders, which I will cut by hand to create stencils.

Now I have the drawing up on the panels to see how everything will go together.

I’m mostly happy with the shapes. I think I may move and re-size one bird. The computer mock-up helped me to get here. But I had to actually see the parts in person to see if I like the pattern.

For both of these projects, my next stage will be back to close-up. Binding and finishing on the windy sky quilt. Painting the birds into the sky of the 3-panel piece.


You are invited – I’m presenting a Gallery Talk

I’m pleased to have five works selected for an upcoming show of textile art at the Ormond Memorial Art Museum and Gardens.

The exhibit is “Stitched, Stamped and Sculpted.”
June 10 – August 14   Opening Reception Friday, June 10 at 6pm

My Gallery Talk will be about my own work and will also draw from other works in the exhibit. I hope you can join us.

Gallery Talk: Thursday, June 23  11AM


For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


How I keep in touch:

BLOG POSTS  - once a week:  Mostly about what I am creating in the studio. If you would enjoy receiving blog posts by e-mail, please subscribe here:  I post and send by e-mail each Sunday evening. BLOGS-BY-EMAIL

NEWSLETTER – about once a month: Mostly news of exhibits and my way of introducing new work. You’ll get FIRST LOOKS at new artwork and members-only discounts. You’ll hear from me about once a month.  NEWSLETTER