Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Just What I Needed to Be Doing

Ironing. Ironing little pieces as I retrieved them out of my fabric bins. Ironing for several hours.

And it was perfect.

This morning I gathered with fellow artmakers for our monthly meeting of work and conversation. I have been a member of this group for over ten years, and the longer-time members met together for years before I became a part.

The work and the conversation today were great therapy.

I have been working pretty seriously and diligently on several large projects. I have several new ones on the back burner, just cooking. And thoughts about a series that interests me is on an even-further-back burner just beginning to form.

So I ironed. It was a way to discover what fabric scraps I have accumulated that might prove useful in coming work. As I pulled little scraps from the bin, I remembered printing them, and I separated them into piles by color.

The forming of the next work began to come together as I saw actual pieces that might fit together.

Every step of artmaking is important. Sometimes sketching and planning are what needs to be done.

Sometimes reading poetry is what needs to be done.

Sometimes going out for photo shoots is what needs to be done.

Sometimes looking at the completed work created by other artists is what needs to be done.

Sometime receiving critique of work-in-progress is what needs to be done. (I am grateful that my art friends did that for me today also.)

And then – of course – hours in the studio actually doing the work — which, for me, involves hand printing fabric, collage and stitching it all together — is what needs to be done.

Today I needed to explore the fabric bins. Sort. Iron.

At the risk of seeming a bit corny in this comparison, I thought this afternoon about the flowers in our garden. On the way to the mailbox I passed by our morning glory and also a little patch of rain lilies. They need different things. They grow on different schedules.

The morning glory is up-and-at-em absolutely every single day without fail. Morning. Bloom. Stay open all day. Evening. Close up shop. Do it again tomorrow.

The rain lilies take their time. I don’t actually know what they are doing underground when they are not blooming. But something is at work. Then — generally all at the same time — they will all put out buds, and bloom for a short while. They are not attention-getters. Very delicate. But such a nice addition to the garden!

As I was ironing, I hope I was allowing ideas to unfold. To do whatever it is they do underground. The time spent will turn into work. But not today. Today was ironing day.

. . . . . . . .

As a happy reminder that going through all the steps can, in fact, lead to completed work, I am pleased to let you know about four exhibits in which I have work showing in the next month. If you are near any of these exhibiting places, I hope you will stop by to take a look.

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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NEWSLETTER – about once a month: Mostly news of exhibits and my way of introducing new work. You’ll get FIRST LOOKS at new artwork and members-only discounts. You’ll hear from me about once a month.  NEWSLETTER