Bobbi Baugh Studio

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The Safe Harbor of Strong Women

We journey.

We take one step at a time.

We make stupid mistakes.

We get lost along the way.

We need to start over.

All of this is easier with help.

I have made a number of quilts that explore the journey of a girl or young woman. It’s been part of telling my story.

But, until this work, I have not focused on the important role that strong women play in the lives of other women. (I know how important it has been to me to have strong women to lean on at the times I needed them. I am forever grateful.)

Inspired by a group of women who are in my life now, my weekly writing group, I created Writing the Next Word to honor women who provide safe landing places for their friends.

I created this to enter in the SAQA Global Exhibit, “Haven.” It was accepted; it will premiere at the Houston Quilt Festival in October then travel to other venues for approximately two years.

I am so happy that a work that’s meaningful to me will be seen, and also pleased that now I can write about it.

The focus of the quilt is the seated woman. I photographed Joan one week in writing group, then created a drawing from the photo.

The figure was built by layers of fabric cut and collaged into place. I used several scraps of recycled denim for her jeans and monoprinted sheer polyester for her skin tones. I also did some drawing, and additionally used machine stitching for texture and further mark making.

One of the things I like about creating with fabric is the hands-on, tactile involvement in the subject matter as it evolves. As I glued and stitched the character, I felt like I was getting in touch with who she is.

To me, the essence of beauty in older women is confidence. I enjoy seeing women who are comfortable in their own skin and their own body.  And a face that shows experience and wisdom. For this portrait, I worked to create just a hint of expression on the face while keeping her depicted without a detailed, specific face. This work is inspired by a particular person, but I want it to be experienced in a more universal way.

Because the exhibit theme is “Haven,” I wanted to suggest a journey. A safe harbor occurs in the context of a journey. It is when we are traveling through experiences that we really need a safe place to land.

The left part of the quilt is the journey.

It began with printed and painted surface design. Then I worked to push back the image and incorporate it into the right half.

I used the border pattern across the bottom to depict change from harsh journey to arriving at an oasis: the pattern is constant across the bottom, but the color changes.

What do I hope a viewer will think or experience when looking at this work?

Each one will, of course, bring their own experiences, and those experiences will blend with the image in the quilt to create a personal meaning.

For those who have been fortunate to benefit from the counsel of wise women, I hope they will remember. For those who have been the wise counsel-givers, I hope they will realize how important they are.

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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