Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Beginning a New Project

Here’s the beginning of a new project.

I admit it. At this point It doesn’t look a bit like a portrait of a strong, confident woman. But that’s where it’s headed.

These background fabrics will be part of telling the story. So, I’m trying to keep that in mind as I work on this section.

My concept for this work is a sense of journey. The left part of the quilt will be somewhat chaotic: random strips of fabric, mixed colors and patterns, arranged to lead the eye over to the right side of the quilt.

Filling that half will be a large portrait of a woman. (So far I’ve done the sketch, and drawn it onto prepared muslin.)

The colors will change in that section: more blues and teals. The patterns will evoke water and leaves. She is calm. She is welcoming.

I am inspired by own experience of relying on the counsel of wise women in my journey. Several times this was way more than a light friendship. I absolutely needed help, and women came into my life to provide it.

More recently, I am sustained regularly by a group of three other women with whom I meet weekly to write. (My reference photo is Joan, a member of the writer’s group. I will not make it look like her face, because I want the portrait to represent strong women generally. But I do love her casual and confident body position on the wicker sofa.) The writer’s group has become important to all of us. I draw strength from it.

So… there’s a lot of stuff to weigh and to keep in mind as I begin this project.

I do not want to lose sight of the story, and the concept that is important to me.

Right now, I am in the middle of fabric and pattern, and figuring out how to make the disparate sections work in the composition – both to be visually pleasing and to work to tell the story.

I absolutely enjoy the challenge of a new project, and watching it all come together!

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Meanwhile… our household has acquired a fresh-cut tree in our living room, the result of an outing to the Ocala Forest to find it and bring it home. (Annual tradition.) No lights or ornaments – yet. But look how beautiful!

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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