Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Letting the Underneath Show Through

Over and over, I find myself drawn to wondering what’s going on beneath a surface.

Looking at a body of water is a good example. I enjoy seeing the patterns and movements on the surface. I am intrigued by the lights and darks.

But then – a bit of additional magic when I glimpse something under the water. Maybe a flash of a fish. Maybe penetrating sun hits a rock or sandy bottom. There’s so much to wonder about.

A work-in-progress this week is built on my interest in exploring this idea.  And, at the same time, I’ve been interested in experimenting with incorporating hand printed paper into a quilt. So, I’m putting those things together.

Here’s the beginning.

I had already printed the papers that are the background of this photo – an organic collage of ochre and blues, collaged to form a whole section onto a piece of muslin. I drew those colors from the photo that will be side-by-side with this section.

Now I am laying down strips of freezer paper that will be my knock-out areas: the sections that will resist the over-painting to be done.

Now to mix the color.

I stirred a mix of cerulean blue with black. This hue is also drawn from the photo. (And after I was done with the paper section, I used my leftover paint to scrub in a very light glaze of this same color into the dark sections of the photo.)

Now to over-paint

I’m rolling the mixed blue-black over the masked paper-fabric. I did not want it completely solid, so I added some matte medium to the mix. My hope is that hints of the patterns beneath will show through even the over-painted sections.

Now to peel off the masking strips.

Here on my worktable are the two main sections of this quilt: (On the left) the photo of water (which I transferred to muslin) and (on the right) the interpretation of the experience of water created on the paper-collaged-fabric.

Here’s a look at the right section as a whole.

And here’s a detail.

I do think it does what I had hoped. The underneath pattern shows through in a strong way where it was masked off. It also shows through like a subtle surprise from behind the over paint.

Like water, nothing is completely opaque.

There are finishing contrast strips to add, and lots and lots of stitching. So far, I’ve enjoyed the process of revealing.

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If you are near Central Florida, please plan to visit the Fall Festival of The Arts DeLand November 20-21. I will be exhibiting. It’s a great show, in delightful downtown DeLand, with 150+ artists. You can get details at

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BOOKS AVAILABLE: I am proud to have created a book combining images of my artwork with original poems. If you’d like to take a look it’s on my website here

For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating


Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.


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