Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Piecing Things Together in the Studio

First… I’ve been flummoxed! I’ve had a work-in-progress in the studio, an abstract composition using dominant blues, for several weeks. For a number of reasons, it has gone through several huge changes. My entire inspiration was a large piece made of randomly collaged and stitched segments on which I had printed all kinds of surface patterns. It’s been on my shelf over a year waiting for the right application. So, my recent adventures in printing blue patterns were to go with that original large piece and tie it all together.

Except I didn’t like it. I like the new blue pieces I’ve printed. But I couldn’t find a composition to use the collaged yardage that was supposed to be the whole basis for the piece. So I tried  plan B – working in some other interesting colors.

I thought this had possibilities. But I couldn’t get it to “click.” Time for plan C.

I have now printed more subtle blue sections with very light values. I’m working in 8” x 8” blocks in a simple grid layout. After the sections all go together I will have created a background “canvas” ready for some surface printing and painting of abstract elements. I hope this one goes to a place I like.

Second… I’ve been building shipping boxes. Last week I shipped out my piece “Rust Happens” that will be part of SAQA’s “Opposites Attract” Exhibition which begins its travels in Australia. Today I’m working on a box-within-a-box to ship the piece that was accepted to the 100% Pure Florida Exhibit in Melbourne, Florida. Below is the work that was accepted.

This collage is “But in the Silence Between.” I was inspired by a quote from Mozart: “The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.”

I’m sort of a box-building fanatic. I use commercial shippers pretty regularly. But it’s my responsibility to provide my work well packed and well boxed to arrive safely.

Handy tip:  I buy flat moving/storage boxes from Lowes. The biggest are about $1.50 each. They are a great source of flat cardboard that I can trim and score fold to any size I want for each shipment. Assemble with wood glue.

Finally – I’ve been breathing steam! I’ve been battling the cough-and-cold that just won’t go away. This weekend is the first time I’ve felt close to my normal self. The cold meds I was taking made me feel terrible. I have to give a lot of credit for my improvement to the old-fashioned breathing steam remedy.

And — an unexpected plus — Sitting with a towel over my head deeply breathing steam turns out to be very contemplative. It’s sort of like hiding, and my thoughts can just go their own way as the warm air goes down into my lungs. I have recently begun to formulate ideas for a new series. Who knows? Maybe the inspiration was the steam?

Looking ahead: Studio Tour February 22-23. If you are nearby, please visit

More tour information is on my web site,
along with a map to my studio and link to maps for all the artists


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