Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Change is Never Easy

DON’T DO IT! NOT YET! Cantaloupe seedlings on the porch are leaning into the sunlight. With a gentle hand we turn them so they will grow straight. “Noooo!” I can hear them resist. “We don’t WANT to change! We’ve gotten used to leaning this way. Now we have to do something NEW!” I get it. The light on the porch is warm and green, the ambiance among the other seedlings is inviting. They, of course, don’t know that this is just the place to learn. They don’t get to stay in their little pots. There’s a big world awaiting them. And so they resist change. I resist change. Unlike the seedlings, I actually know it’s tough out there. And change keeps you limber. Makes you stronger. Bending new ways is good.  But – oh – how I like it here in my little seedling pot.