Bobbi Baugh Studio

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Making Art That Speaks to You

Just some thinking and musing this week.

I’ve been looking into these windows a lot lately.

This is a detail of Sometimes You Can’t See In, an art quilt I created several years ago.

I look at it a lot because it hangs in my living room, right above my computer desk where I write. I will be happy one day when it ends up in the home of an art-loving patron. For now, I enjoy it.

And this week, as I have looked at it, I’ve been asking, “What’s here that speaks to you, Bobbi?”

I know some of the answers.

I like the water.

I like looking into the windows.

I like the depth: details in the foreground , then a simple silhouette then the trees behind.

At the same time that I’ve been talking to myself about this work (Ssshhhh. Don’t tell anybody that I do that) I’ve also been doing some sketching in my art journal and looking at materials in my studio.

And I’ve been consciously looking at the work of other artists whose work I respond to, thinking about what it is I like in them.

I am formulating ideas for the next body of work I will begin. I want it to draw from things that I know speak to me, and then also incorporate some news ideas.

I’m in the middle of finishing up some other projects in the studio, at the same time keeping this process of thinking, looking, asking, and talking to myself going on the back burner just simmering a bit.

This will turn into things to show. When it’s ready. But not yet.

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If you’d like to learn more about Sometimes You Can’t See In, you can find it on my website HERE

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Meanwhile – two invitations for folks in Florida

I’m happy to have work showing in two Florida exhibits.

At the Florida CraftArt Gallery in downtown St. Pete, I have five quilts included in the current exhibit: “The Alchemy of Art.”

My five quilts at Florida CraftArt, as the show curators grouped them beside other small story-telling pieces of art.

The premise of this curated show is that simple materials can go together in unexpected ways to become a new thing. And then the artwork interacts in all ways – psychologically, physiologically, emotionally and intellectually – to become again a new thing in the viewer. It’s an intriguing exhibit filled with varied mediums and styles and I know you will enjoy it.

I also have work exhibiting at the Marco Island Center for the Arts through June 30.

This is Nor Could Out Hands Catch Them, exhibiting as part of the SAQA-Florida regional show “The Artist’s Question, Answered in Fiber.” This exhibit has been traveling throughout the Southeast for two years. All fiber artwork, and a great variety if interesting styles and subjects.

And an invitation for folks everywhere…

In June I am teaching a zoom class on “composition.”  It is being sponsored by a region of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) but is open for attendance by both SAQA members and SAQA non-members.

I like this class. I’ve worked on it to focus on helping participants think about the necessary step that comes between the idea and the working methods. Just this week someone very nicely posted on Facebook that she had taken the course when I taught it earlier this spring and was finding the concepts helpful in putting together new work.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can register and pay here:


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For all the artmakers: Happy creating
For all the art lovers: Happy appreciating

 Thank you for reading. I always enjoy questions and comments.

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