Bobbi Baugh Studio

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After the Storm

This storm experience has been strange for us.

The day before Hurricane Ian hit, the weather was unusually beautiful. It was hard to believe the stories of big winds churning the Gulf.

Then it hit land, and we saw stories of folks in the southwest part of Florida just slammed. Then it came through our part of Florida. LOTS of rain. Wind pounding the windows through the night. But…

It is with a sincerely grateful heart I look about our town and see little more than downed limbs. Most people have power. We did not lose power at all.

The big limb that fell in our yard fell in the exact spot where our car normally parks, and we had moved it. And as we worked outdoors the next day trying to cut it up with a way-too-small saw, a neighbor we had never met came by with a chain saw and a truck and helped us clear out the driveway. They had just been out driving to see who might need help.

And here, today, another day just blindingly beautiful.

Life is precarious.

Life is precious.

Life is capricious.

I can hardly imagine the day today of those who are not able to get back to their homes at all, or who are picking through sodden remains of where they lived.

It could have been us.

So, I’m just checking in, still processing the immensity of it all.

I was in the studio working away during much of the storm and will be back to sharing the art journey next week.

Best wishes to all.